About the SC Democratic Veterans and Military Families Caucus

This look at the SCDP Veterans Caucus appeared in the June edition of the Lancaster County Democratic Party Newsletter.

SCDP Veterans and Military Families Caucus 

Who Are We? We are veterans and members of military families living in the great State of South Carolina who are also Democrats. We come from all areas of the state, all branches of the services, and all periods of war and peacetime service. We are united for the purpose of going further than the non-profit organizations who serve our veterans and military families, by crossing political barriers and ensuring that those running for and elected to office are well aware of our needs and issues.

How Are We Organized? This caucus operates within the bylaws of the South Carolina Democratic Party and under our own caucus bylaws. We have a body of general membership and an executive board of elected officers comprised of a Chair, First Vice Chair, Vice Chairs for each congressional district, Secretary and Treasurer.
When Do We Meet? The Veterans and Military Families Caucus has regular quarterly meetings, sometimes by conference call. If you are a member, you are invited to attend. Minutes of these meetings are also kept and provided.

What Do We Do? The Veterans and Military Families Caucus works to provide a strong voice and representation within the party structure for veterans and military families; promote the welfare of veterans and military families through legislation; and encourage veterans and military families to participate fully as Democrats at all levels of policymaking and public service.

ISSUE ADVOCACY: We provide vocal support for is-sues facing our veterans and military family communities at the local, state, and national level by increasing awareness of these issues among the public, candidates, and elected officials. We can also take actions directly supporting issues through a resolution process. LOBBYING We lobby for or against legislation that affects veterans and military families. This can be done online or through our physical presence at public events and/or the statehouse.

PUBLIC AWARENESS/EDUCATION: We make a concerted and sustained effort to educate the public on issues important to veterans and their families.

VETERAN’S AFFAIRS SUPPORT: We support the efforts of the VA and other veterans and military family groups at the local, state and national levels to strive for better benefits that help all veterans and their families.

SUPPORT DEMOCRATS: We work with SCDP to support Democratic candidates, promote Democratic issues, and grow the Democratic Party in South Carolina. As a Caucus we do not directly endorse candidates unless the South Carolina Democratic Party has already done so.

How Do I Join? Joining the Caucus is easy. Our membership consists of Veterans, military families and those who believe in supporting Veterans and military families and the issues that matter to them.
The Veterans Caucus has a Chair for the State and a Vice-Chair for each of the Congressional Voting Dis-tricts. The Chair is William Lawrence of Aiken County. The Vice-Chair for our Congressional District 5 is Tom Langston, who is also the State Treasurer and the LCDP Representative.
One of the current concerns is that the Trump Administration may attempt to undermine the Veterans Administration by outsourcing care of veterans. The Veterans Caucus strongly supports continuance of the Veterans Healthcare Organization as an independent entity.
For more info or to join the Caucus, contact: caucuses@scdp.org or Tom Langston at the LCDP.