Why Does Ralph Norman Not Want To Protect Women?

About Ralph Norman

About Ralph Norman

Reviewing Ralph Norman 2019

HR 1585  Violence Against Women Act

Ralph Norman Voted NO

Violence against women is historical and insidious. The Violence Against Women Act came up for renewal in April of 2019. The headline from the New York Times brings us up to date …

House Expands Domestic Violence Gun Controls in Rebuke to N.R.A.” – SC5 Congressman Ralph Norman voted “no.”

Is Ralph Norman fully under the control of the NRA? It appears to be a simple explanation of his deeds, his voting, and proclivity to flash his lethal weapon. You can connect the dots. Would Ralph Norman even try to remedy the mass killing of children such as those in Parkland and go against NRA dogma? Are his true sympathies for a woman’s health and safety apparent in his support for banning abortion regardless of rape, incest, and the threat to a mother’s life? Is voting for Ralph Norman in the best interest of women and families or is he no more than an ambassador of the NRA that funds him?