Meet Your Fellow Democrats! - Martha and Ervin Robinson

From the LCDP May Newsletter

By Martha Robinson

I am one of six children, and I learned about democracy and sharing in my early childhood, sharing toothbrushes with my sibs!  When my  husband, Ervin, and I married (he is an only child), he was shocked by this habit--that was a first lesson for me in our marriage.  I graduated from college during the Vietnam and Watergate era, and have been something of a pacifist since then.  My professions were social work and nursing, although my nursing was strictly volunteer work.   

Both Ervin and I were deeply opposed to the Gulf War, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.   I have never been truly involved in local politics, however, until now.  I truly fear for the future of my country right now. I hate the division, deplore the amoral chaotic Trump administration.

 My husband has been absolutely the most supportive husband in the world!  Of the things I am most proud, my marriage of thirty-five years is number one. Ervin was a federal employee in Atlanta (HEW/Head Start) and in Washington DC (Department of Justice) before coming back to Lancaster in 1981. Ervin and Phonzo Starnes were business partners for years in Waxhaw Computer Services, where they complemented each other beautifully developing and supporting software and providing forms and various services to YMCA organizations across the country. Ervin says his mission in life is to "fight the Republican Party".

We both enjoy our yard (maybe not too much yard work, though!) and we cherish our families, friends, and neighbors - and walking our dog.  We both enjoy music.  I play piano, and Ervin plays with some friends in the Old Mule String Band. They have done a monthly performance at White Oak Manor nursing home for 12 years. I am involved with a local support group for persons with mental illnesses. 

 We are both Democrats because we want to see others have the same opportunities we have had.  It has been an absolute joy to meet so many kindred spirits at the Lancaster County Democratic Party--so many thinking, caring people!  I have enjoyed the opportunity to help campaign for Archie Parnell, and to assist Judy Langston and Jennifer Jewett in writing the LCDP newsletter, and all three of us welcome anyone to submit an article. Everyone’s input counts, so please consider submitting as you have the time.

Lancaster Democrats